

If you have a few moments please reach out and support our friends at the Brooklyn Grange, a small urban farming venture located in NYC. They have recently been selected as one of only 12 international finalists in the BBC World Challenge, a competition for innovative small businesses doing environmentally and socially-responsible work. If they win the competition, they will be awarded $20,000, which will greatly be able to help them expand their operations and really bring the farm to a whole other level for next season’s planting. 

Please take a second to vote for them and pass this along to others. Here is the link:

Thank you for your supporting awesome ideas. 



Lots of LIMN/HDC peeps up in here….

Gorgeous footage of incredibly inspiring New Yorkers making urban farming successful & sustainable.  

For more information, please check out the links below:

Nourishing NYC

Brooklyn Grange Farm


Peoples Garden NYC