

If you like food and cooking stuff, and are excited by what is being cooked in Brooklyn give a peek to this sweet book. Edited by my friend Rachel Wharton and with my other very good friend Cathy Erway’s sandwich smack dab in the middle of the cover. 

Celebrate Brooklyn’s best, with the most delicious dishes from the borough’s top foodies.  Edible Brooklyn: The Cookbook, edited by Brooklynite Rachel Wharton and with images from Edible Communities founder Carole Topalian, takes you on a photo-packed, tasty tour of one of America’s most diverse locales and its gastronomic pleasures. In addition to mouthwatering recipes, you’ll meet the people who create this edible goodness, take a close-up look at the institutions that make Brooklyn an epicure’s delight, explore food-fabulous, ethnically diverse neighborhoods, and get edible tips plus information on obtaining the ingredients.

It’s the perfect addition to any kitchen, whether in Brooklyn or beyond.

I cannot wait to get my hands on this and cook my way through Brooklyn’s awesomeness.